Monday, April 19, 2010

O Versus the Volcano

President Obama wanted to go to Poland, to attend the funeral services for that country's President, who, along with his wife and 95 others perished in a plane crash last week. He really did. After all, that's what Presidents do for one another.
And, obviously, no one can blame Mr. Obama for that Icelandic volcano. Well, I guess there are some who might try and blame him. But, we all know the cause is, yes, you guessed it, global warming.
But, anyway, back to the President. After that dad-blasted volcano put an end to his travel plans (to the funeral), Obama did what any self-respecting President would do. He turned to his own religious rituals. Yes, since a trip to Poland was out of the question, our President payed homage to Poland's President by playing a round of golf.
Golf is a rather religious event to many. It's where throngs of the faithful spend their Sunday mornings, often engaged in prayer, it would appear. And, while I don't know politics from a hole in the ground, it does seem that many Presidents have been devout, practicing golfers.  
Indeed, there are many similarities between golf and other religions. The Catholics have their confessions. Golfers have their mulligans.  They're kind of similar, don't you think.
The Catholics have their share of scandals. Golf has Tiger Woods. Do you see a pattern here?
Keep in mind, I'm not mocking. This isn't a case of blasphemy. I'm simply defending the President. Some have criticized him for playing golf, when he was supposed to be at a funeral. My point is that Mr. Obama did turn to his religion for some degree of solace. And it's a form of worship in which he has proven to be more devoted, more spiritual, if you will, than just about any President that's putted before him.
While some have been unduly rough on the President's choice of worship, I think I have chosen the fairway to look at it. I think Mr. Obama is to be lauded for the depth of his devotion. As soon as he realized that Jeremiah Wright was wrong (approximately 20 years), our President converted, abandoning a course that had guided him for years, for another coarse in life. And, while I am very apolitical, I can only say well done, sir. It's no wonder that I've heard so many, especially on Fox News, referring to Mr. Obama as a fore-year President.

Friday, April 16, 2010

They Don't Shoot Horses, Do They?

You know how when you're watching a Western movie (in this era of political correctness) and the horses fall down, and at the end of the movie there's this disclaimer, "No animals were injured in the making of this movie."  You know what I mean?

Now, when you see that do you feel all fuzzy inside and thank the powers that be that those horses weren't tripped up or anything? I used to do that too. I used to walk out of the movie house and be able to look at myself in the mirror and say, "Steve, you'd never want to see a horse hurt, would you?"  And then I'd answer myself and say, "No, I wouldn't." It was all very upbuilding to me.

But I started thinking. If they are not knocking horses down or tripping them up, then what's happening.  I don't think it's some sort of Shrek-like computer animation. I think the horses are being made to fall. Now, maybe they can train a horse to fall on cue. But, even so, how do we really know that no horses were injured?  I'm thinking that some of those horses are bound to be sore the next day at the very least. 

But as I got to thinking about horses falling, I got to thinking about something else. You know how when you're watching some Law and Order crime drama and there's a baby in the scene and the baby (in the storyline) has been traumatized? And, you know how the baby seems to cry on cue?  I mean somebody has got to be making that baby cry.  And yet, at the end of the movie there's no disclaimer saying that no babies were harmed in the making of that movie.

So what does that tell you? It tells me a few things.

1) The people who make these movies  must know that a lot more people are worried about harming animals than they are about harming babies.

2) These same people must be harming children. I mean think about it. They make the babies cry. They make no promise that they didn't have to hurt the kid to make him cry. 

3) Hollywood producers are deliberately harming babies.

So, what are you going to do about that?  I've presented the evidence. I laid out my argument, brilliantly, if I must say so myself.  The truth is staring you right in the face.

I feel pretty confident that after most of you have gone back and re-read this blog carefully, you're going to do the only thing a progressive thinking American could do. You're going to get on your computer and you're going to start sending emails. And you're going to let anyone who will listen know that you're on to them. You're going to tell these big-time Hollywood types to stop hurting horses and lying about it.

And you'll feel much better about yourself for having done so.